Hate is a problem.

Hate is recognized as a significant problem in societies around the world. Hate can manifest in various forms, including – but not limited – to racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and religious discrimination. It can lead to prejudice, discrimination, and violence against individuals or groups based on their perceived differences.


Hate has the potential to divide communities, undermine social cohesion, and contribute to a range of social issues. Online platforms, in particular, have been a significant space for the spread of hate speech, misinformation, and the amplification of extremist ideologies.



Isn’t there always an alternative?

"Hate or" art campaign by photographer and visual artist J. F. Novotny

“Hate or” is an art project…

… by german photographer + visual artist Jürgen F. Novotny.


“Like so many others, I believe that everyone in our society should take a stand against hate speech online. It’s about not remaining silent, but speaking out, showing initiative. In most cases, only those who shout the loudest are visible. For their part, the usually silent victims often feel isolated, they can develop anxiety and depression. They are victims of violence.”


“Hate or” is an art project addressing the general awareness of digital violence on a different level: an artistic and visual-linguistic one… with a seemingly ironic, yet serious approach.

How does hate speech arise?

A hate comment is quickly typed on social media and haters are disinhibited by the anonymity granted to them on these platforms. Hatespeech arises, among other things, when people are extremely dissatisfied with themselves and need to feel that they are above others… usually because they themselves have low self-esteem. For these offenders, hate comments and hate postings can have serious consequences if they are reported to the police.


“But it doesn’t really have to come to that, does it? If you’re unhappy with yourselves – yes, I’m talking to you haters – there are other, much more effective ways of dealing with this. Try to find out, you have the choice. Really.”

It’s your choice: “Hate or…”


All “Hate or” works are Creative Commons; feel free to download the web motifs below (Right click > Save as…) and share them on your social media channels (and don’t forget their hashtags)!

Or click each one to learn more about the artworks and where to find them.

Learn about the project


Invest just 4 minutes and listen to what this project is all about:

Hate or Eat Cake: Part of the "Hate or" art project at www.hate-or.com
Work: Hate or Eat Cake #hateoreatcake
Hate or Listen to Jazz: Part of the "Hate or" art project at www.hate-or.com
Work: Hate or Listen to Jazz #hateorlistentojazz
Hate or Pump Iron: Part of the "Hate or" art project at www.hate-or.com
Work: Hate or Pump Iron #hateorpumpiron
Hate or Celebrate: Part of the "Hate or" art project at www.hate-or.com
Work: Hate or Celebrate #hateorcelebrate
Hate or Fly a Kite: Part of the "Hate or" art project at www.hate-or.com
Work: Hate or Fly a Kite #hateorflyakite
Hate or Plant a Tree: Part of the "Hate or" art project at www.hate-or.com
Work: Hate or Plant a Tree #hateorplantatree
Hate or Read a Book
Work: Hate or Read a Book #hateorreadabook
Hate or Ride a Bike
Work: Hate or Ride a Bike #hateorrideabike
Hate or Climb a Mountain
Part of the "Hate or" art project at www.hate-or.com
Hate or Beat a Highscore
Part of the "Hate or" art project at www.hate-or.com
Hate or masturbate
Work: Hate or Masturbate #hateormasturbate
Hate or play chess
Work: Hate or Play Chess #hateorplaychess

All works by Jürgen Novotny on this page are Creative Commons and licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0